3.6. Integration test

The integration test registers the AIT to Qunomon and confirm its operation as a TestDescription.

3.6.1. Prepare for integration test

Prepare an AIT (as zip file) and input-data for integration test.

3.6.2. Running integration test

The integration test is performed in the following procedure. Refer to Qunomon User’s Guide for details on Qunomon installation and operation.

  1. install AIT to Qunomon
    Install the created AIT to Qunomon

The following operations are performed on Qunomon.

  1. Create MLComponent
    Create MLComponent.

  2. Create inventory
    Create an inventory and register the input data for integration test.

  3. Define TestDescription
    Define a TestDescription and register the installed AIT.

  4. Run TestDescription
    Run TestDescription and confirm operation of the installed AIT.

3.6.3. Evaluate integration test

See the details screen of TestDescription to check if the AIT is working properly.

If a problem occurs during integration test, clarify whether the cause is the AIT or Qunomon. Check the logs below to identify the cause of the problem.

No Log Type Cause Pattern Acquisition Method
1 ait.log AIT Download from the details screen of TestDescription
2 Airflow log AIT, Qunomon Acquisition method of airflow log


If a problem occurs during integration test, the cause may be an error in the usage of Qunomon or in the environment definition of AIT. Check the following points.

  • Incorrect inventory registration

  • Incorrect TestDescription parameters

  • AIT Dockerfile definition error (Omission of registration of required library)

  • Insufficient Docker definitions (memory, permission)

3.6.4. Modifying AIT

To register a modified AIT with Qunomon, remove the TestDescription and AIT and start over with 1. install AIT to Qunomon.


To remove the registered AIT, remove all TestDescriptions that use the AIT.