3.1. Preparation

After downloading and installing Qunomon, start developing an AIT based on the template.

3.1.1. User workflow

User Workflow

3.1.2. Fork the AIT template

AIT template : https://github.com/aistairc/ait-template. Alt template fork

3.1.3. Change AIT repository name

Alt rename

3.1.4. Clone the AIT repository

Follow the URL to clone. Alt clone

3.1.5. Edit readme.md

After create a directory for new AIT, open {YourAITName}/readme.md and edit title.

  • Before

    # ait-name
  • After

    # {YourAITName}

3.1.6. Launch development envionment

We are providing Jupyter Lab environment adjusted to the AIT development purpose as AIT development environment. After launching them, they are provided as web application on the localhost. You can use them through your browser.

  • Launcher

    • Windows:

    • macOS, Linux:

      sudo bash {YourAITname}/tool/launch_devenv.sh Screenshots after launch

If the launch has succeeded, applications below are displayed automatically.

  • Jupyter lab jupyter lab Development work flow

In this tutorial, we assumes following work flow as default development work flow.

  1. Experiment and development of an AI evaluation program.

  2. Porting AI evaluation program onto the AIT template.

  3. Perform unit testing of an AI evaluation program.

  4. Preparing registration for Qunomon.

  5. Perform integration testing of an AIT with Qunomon testbed.