3.5. Preparing registration for Qunomon

In this chapter, the developed AI evaluation program is converted to AIT (as zip file) for registration to Qunomon.

3.5.1. Edit Dockerfile

If you have built an environment without using AIT-SDK in the Dependency Management area or Importing Libraries area, edit {YOUR_AIT_ROOT}/deploy/container/Dockerfile.


If your AIT depends on the other software or libraries (such as GCC, RDBMS, …), you must include them in your Dockerfile and let them installed on AIT container.

Please write installation command in {YOUR_AIT_ROOT}/deploy/container/resolve-dependencies.sh, not in the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile runs the shell and installs dependencies.

example. apt install, applying patches, installing Python libraries without using AITRequirementsGenerator, etc.


Please don’t edit the dockerfile_license file. This item is used for the automatic generation of Third-party notices.

3.5.2. Generate Third-party Notice

Run following batch file on the host environment to generate third-party notice. Thirdparty Notices are generated under {YOUR_AIT_ROOT}.

  • Launcher

    • Windows:

    • macOS, Linux:

      sudo bash {YOUR_AIT_ROOT}/tool/generate_thirdparty_notices.sh


This script will not work perfectly. You must confirm and ensure that all the depending third party OSS are listed up in the generated third-party notices yourself.

3.5.3. create zip file

Extract the resources required for AIT from the developed AI evaluation program and compress that into a zip file. Run following batch file on the host environment to generate the zip file.

  • Windows:

  • macOS, Linux:

    sudo bash {YOUR_AIT_ROOT}/tool/compress_ait_package.sh

This command compresses {YOUR_AIT_ROOT}/deploy/container/ as zip file.


Test inputs and test results are not included in the zip file.

The generated zip file will be stored in {YOUR_AIT_ROOT}/{YourAITName}.zip. The next chapter will cover integration test with Qunomon.