1.3. List of published AITs¶
Qunomon provides readily available AITs on GitHub that are copyright-free. Users can directly utilize these in Qunomon, modify the code to develop new AITs, or prepare for registration in Qunomon by using git clone as per the tutorials.
External link to GitHub.
For details on the AIT, please check develop/my_ait.ipynb.
Focuses on the number of records for attribute combinations within the data to assess for rare cases or imbalanced trends.
Calculate the counts of attribute values and the percentage of occurrences by the combination of attributes in the table data.
Based on this summary information, the distribution trend of the frequency of occurrence of the table data can be inferred.
Specifies unnecessary (improbable) attribute value combinations in table data and calculates how much of this unwanted data is contained, along with the count and proportion of attribute values.
AIT users can use this summary information to understand the unhealthy trends of attribute values based on their occurrences.
For assessing data validity, calculates the independence of labels and each attribute in a CSV dataset using the chi-squared statistic.
Splits a dataset randomly and calculates the accuracy of the model for each split dataset.
Low variance in accuracy suggests that the model has acquired a generalizable performance across the dataset.
Uses a VAE model, trained on features of training image data, to calculate the feature values of evaluation training data.
Smaller difference in feature values indicates that the evaluation image data comprehensively covers the features of the training data.
Inputs two groups of image data and calculates the KLD (KL Divergence, KL information) for the distribution of brightness, contrast, and exposure between them.
KLD close to zero indicates that the two image groups replicate the same features.
Generates adversarial sample images from input images and calculates accuracy information (Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-value, AUC) for the input model (an image classification model trained on input images).
These accuracy metrics allow the evaluation of the accuracy and stability of machine learning models.
Given a dataset and a PyTorch classification model, evaluates the inference accuracy of the model from the dataset’s inference results.
Calculates accuracy, AP (average precision), and balanced accuracy for inferences on the dataset, assessing the model’s inference precision.
To evaluate the stability of the model, we will validate with labels that have added noise.
Using the latent representations from the SVAE, we will measure the “noise score” of each sample in the input dataset to detect anomalies.
We are calculating the Surprise Adequacy (SA) of the input VAE model.
SA evaluates the activation traces of each neuron for each sample in the input data.
A checklist method is used to examine whether the dataset used for the machine learning system satisfies the sufficiency of problem domain analysis.
The checklist [checklist.csv] can be downloaded from the link below.